Purchasing A New Furnace

Air Conditioning Repair Or Air Conditioning Replacement? 4 Questions To Help You Decide

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Once again, your not-so-trusty old air conditioner has decided to let you down and leave you sweltering in your home. As you’ve done so many times in the past, you reach for your phone to call the AC repair tech — but then you stop to wonder whether it might more sense to just replace the unit entirely. Here are four helpful questions that you can ask yourself to help you make a wise choice one way or the other. Read More»

Signs That It Is Time To Install A New Air Conditioner Instead Of Repairing The Old One

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As your air conditioning system gets older, the normal wear and tear can lead to more expensive repairs. Even when you have a system that is well maintained, it is not going to last forever. Once your system is more than ten years old and begins to break down more frequently, it’s time to think about a new air conditioning installation. Your air conditioning becomes outdated over time, and the repairs to your system will soon cost more than installing a new system. Read More»

3 Common Furnace Problems And Ways To Fix Them

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No matter what type of furnace is equipped to your home, at some point, it will stop working correctly. This shouldn’t cause you to panic, though. When you know about these common issues and solutions for them, you can keep your furnace working at an optimal rate.  Dirty Air Filter  Since the air filter is designed to prevent dirt and debris from entering your heating system, it tends to get dirty. Read More»

Heating Bill Becoming Too Expensive? Two Things You Can Do About It

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Walking into a warm and snugly house after you’ve been out all day braving the cold winds of winter can be a very comforting experience. Harsh weather conditions fade away as you remove your coat, scarf and boots and get ready to curl up on the sofa for some family time. However, this picturesque scene can change rather quickly when you receive your heating bill in the mail. The cost might be so expensive that you wonder whether you should keep your outer garments on when you’re in the house! Read More»

Sudden Spike In Heating Costs With A Heat Pump - What's Up?

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A heat pump is by far one of the most efficient types of home heating systems that you can pick for your home. For the most part, these systems will operate fairly consistently and use reliable amounts of energy. Therefore, if you experience a spike in your home energy bills, it is definitely a sign that there is something going on, but it may not always be what you think. Take a look at some of the common causes of a spike in energy costs with a heat pump system. Read More»