It is best to make sure that your heating system is in good shape before the winter weather ever hits. However, this is not always an option, or you might think that your heating system is in good shape, only to find that this is not the case. If your heater breaks down in the middle of winter, you might think that your best bet is to get it repaired. However, in some cases, dealing with a damaged heating system in the middle of winter can be a pain, and you might find that you are better off replacing your unit completely. Read More»
Unless you live in an area of the country that is warm year-round, chances are that at this time of year, you’re thinking about how to prepare your house for the winter. While all the systems in your home deserve attention, your plumbing system especially needs a few quick adjustments to make sure that it survives as the temperature outside starts to drop. Below are a few ways that you can get your home’s plumbing in order, but if you’re uncomfortable doing any of them, contact a professional that offers these types of plumbing services. Read More»
The furnace that provides your home with heating during the winter months can suffer from problems when you need it most. During winter storms, it can be frustrating to deal with issues that cause your heating to not work as it should. The following furnace problems often have simple solutions when you need your heating the most during winter weather:
Airflow and blower problems with furnaces
The air handler and blower of your system is one of the first areas where you may have problems with your heating during storms. Read More»
Even though we’re coming out of those hot summer months, it’s still a good idea to perform regular maintenance and repair jobs on your air conditioning unit. As a matter of fact, the period between summer and winter is the perfect time to perform any kind of AC repair, because it’s usually the downtime for most HVAC companies. In some cases, you may even be able to get those services at a significant discount. Read More»
If you come home and find your HVAC hasn’t been running and your home is either too hot or too cold inside, your first step should be to check the circuit breaker to see if it has flipped off and cut power to the HVAC. Turning the breaker back on may restart your HVAC, but if the breaker flips again, you’ll have to deal with an electrical problem. Here are some things an HVAC technician may check to find the problem so repairs can be done. Read More»