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Are Your Refrigerant Lines Iced Over Or Covered With Condensation?

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If your outdoor refrigerant lines are icy or dripping with condensation, call an air conditioning technician now. Your coolant lines could have some serious issues to repair. If you don't fix your lines soon, it could affect your air conditioning system later. Learn how ice and condensation forms on refrigerant lines and the solutions for it below.

What's Going On With Your Coolant Lines?

Your cooling system should feature two distinct copper-colored refrigerant lines or pipes. One line carries cold gas, while the other line transports hot liquid. The gas line, also known as the suction line, is the largest line and generally features a thin layer of insulation around it. If the gas line loses its insulative sleeve, it can ice over or freeze. Insulation keeps the line cool.

Condensation can also form on the gas line if it develops pin-sized holes in it. Small beads of moisture can form beneath the insulation and sweat. If the line drips water near your home, it could degrade or weaken your soil. 

The liquid line can also experience issues over time. If the line perforates or develops small pin-sized holes in it, it can leak valuable coolant out of the system. The leaking fluid may also corrode or discolor your coolant line. Copper can develop a rich "patina" or bluish-green color it's exposed to moist air over a long period of time.

If you act quickly, you can solve the problems affecting your cooling lines before they get out of control.

What Solutions Do You Need Today?

Frozen or corroded refrigerant lines can cause a number of major problems for your cooling system, including failure. If your air conditioning system fails to cool your house, you may need a replacement. An air conditioning technician or HVAC contractor can check the lines for:

  • holes (perforations)
  • lost insulation
  • corrosion

If the lines are on the verge of failing, a contractor can repair them. If simple repairs won't work for your coolant lines, a technician can replace them. 

After the repairs above, an AC contractor may perform a detailed diagnostic check on the rest of your cooling system. Although it doesn't occur in every case, damaged cooling lines can cause issues for the evaporator coil and air handler inside your home. Ice can travel up the suction line and freeze the coil. A frozen evaporator coil won't keep your house cool during the summer.

If you need refrigerant line repairs and don't know where to begin, contact an HVAC contractor or technician today or visit websites like http://www.robinsonheatingandcooling.com/.
