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Is It Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner? 3 Signs That Say Yes

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Is it time to replace your air conditioner? Although you might say no, there could be signs that say otherwise. Contrary to widespread belief, not powering on or producing cool air aren't the only indicators of a need replacement. There are several other signs that point to the same outcome, make sure you aren't overlooking them.

Unexplained Bill Hike

You haven't lowered the temperature on the thermostat, but your energy usage seems to be soaring, resulting in higher bills. This type of scenario could simply mean that your unit has run its course. Think of an A/C unit in the same manner you would a vehicle.

When you first purchase it, it runs smoothly and gets great gas mileage. However, as it ages, it might still be running, but not as efficiently, resulting in a lower MPG rating. As an air conditioner ages, this reduced efficiency leads to greater energy usage. While this isn't an emergency, it is wise to start researching your options for a replacement.  

Uneven Temperatures

As you move from room to room throughout your home there should be little difference, if any, in the air temperature. For instance, it shouldn't be comfortable in the guest bedroom and cold in your bedroom. If there aren't any insulation differences in the spaces or one room isn't in a more direct path to the sun, it could be your air conditioner unit that is causing this issue.

Uneven cooling could be an indication of a failing unit that is not properly dispersing air throughout your home, causing some spots to be cooler than others. Have a technician inspect your unit to rule out a problem in the ductwork.

Home Additions

If you've made home additions over the years and have failed to upgrade the A/C unit, it's time to do so. All units are installed based on the size and layout of the property. As you add on and make changes, the unit also needs to be upgraded to accommodate the demands of the new additions.

If you have failed to do so, you likely have uneven temperatures, increased energy consumption, and more frequent repair needs to show for it because of the unit having to work harder.

The faster you can recognize the signs that it's time to replace your unit, the more money you can save on unnecessary repairs and increased energy bills. If you think it's time to replace your unit, contact a technician.
