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Three Ways To Prepare A Hot Home For An HVAC Contractor

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The HVAC system going out is going to be difficult in the middle of the summer. When the HVAC goes out, you may immediately notice just how hot your house becomes, especially on the upper levels. If your HVAC goes out during a blazing hot day, you will need to get into contact with an HVAC contractor immediately. You should do your best to make the house as comfortable as possible within the next few hours while you wait for the HVAC expert. Here are three ways to make the house comfortable in temperature within a few hours for your HVAC contractor

Fill the tub with ice cubes

If you want to help decrease the temperature inside of your home, you should place ice cubes and cold water inside of your bathtubs and sinks. This will increase the cold water inside of the air. It can also help to draw the heat into the cold. In order to make this even more effective, place a fan in front of the tub and sinks to blow the cold air and moisture that it is helping to produce. 

Unplug electrical items

Any electrical items that are not being used should be unplugged. Even if electrical items such as televisions and cable boxes are turned off, they can still conduct heat. Unplugging them stops the heating and cooling mechanism, which means that they can stop conducting heat. Be sure to unplug the stove and oven, and neglect to use them at all while the HVAC system is not working. Keep any of the necessities, such as the freezer and refrigerator. After the HVAC system is back up and running, slowly plug in and turn on all of your electronics. 

Close/draw all blinds and open doors

If there is a breeze outside you can lift up your windows, yet you should close and draw your blinds. You want to make sure to filter your home so that absolutely no sunlight is able to get through. If any sun gets through your windows, it could easily cause your house to heat up. Use lamps for lights if necessary so that you and your HVAC technician can see inside of your home. Leave the doors to all rooms open so that air can flow through the home without being obstructed. Keeping the air flow open and keeping all sunlight out will decrease the temperature in your home until your system can be turned on again. 
